DM Talks

DMTalks are a series of thematic talks to draw like-minded partners in the similar domain who can inspire you to kickstart a habit, a plan and a journey. For the year of 2021, the talks will be in the form of monthly gatherings and involve the regular DM community worship and prayer gatherings.

Community Gathering #1

16 Jan 2021

We gathered as a community to dedicate this year to the Lord as a new milestone, renew our connections with one another and learn about the highlights of DM@360 for the new year.

Thematic Gathering #1

27 Mar 2021

This new initiative attracts like-minded partners to collaborate and converge. The first thematic gathering focused on the theme of Mental Wellness issues. The breakout sessions allowed them to exchange ideas, share reflections and opportunity for further collaboration.

Corporate Gathering #1

16 Apr 2021

DM Partners came together to worship and pray corporately twice a year. There was opportunity to hear from our new DM partners sharing their digital endeavours and challenges.Through this gathering, DM partners foster relationships to remind ourselves we belong to one spiritual body.    

Thematic Gathering #2

31 July 2021 and 21 August 2021

The second thematic gathering, e-Ecclesia. Is the digital church the Church of the future?” a two-part series, looks at the importance and relevance of digital churches in our current unprecedented time. Practitioners will share on the following topics: 

Thematic Gathering #3

God and Crypto: Redeeming Crypto for Christ is a thematic gathering organised by DM@360 on 16 April 2022. Watch this video to hear from a panel of speakers and practitioners about Crypto and its underlying technologies, biblical basis of Crypto, its implications, and answering questions about Crypto people were afraid to ask!

Thematic Gathering #4

Watch what happened during our latest thematic gathering “God and Games: Redeeming Games for Christ” held on 01 July 2022 at the DM@360 Hub.

During the event,our panel of experts discussed about the history and growth of gaming, how it’s evolving to become the forefront of future tech, it’s bad and good sides and how we can redeem gaming as a ground for gospel outreach and missions!

Thematic Gathering #5

Catch up on last time’s thematic gathering: God and Art held on 1 October 2022 at DM 360. Watch as the panel of artists and ardent followers of Christ speak on and answer questions about: Christian Art history and impact, What happened to Art by Christians and the decline?, Art and Technology – The Good, the Bad & the Ugly, Redemptive Art – implications for gospel outreach, transforming life and redeeming society.

Thematic Gathering #6

Faith Driven

DM Learn

  • Born out of necessity during the Circuit Breaker period, DMLearn teaches the how-tos to support the community through the period. We have held classes on:
    • Lean start-up methodology for developing businesses
    • Design thinking to empathise with users/ target market
    • Recording for professional podcast production

Digital Mission @ 360

Co-labouring hub for missional people doing digital mission.
360 Dunearn Road, Singapore 299552

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30 May Event