“A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children” – Proverbs 13:22(a)
Derek, felt that the industry was overly-focused on asset-transfers, but there was a lack of conversation about value-transfers. Moreover, many of the younger generation today are not well-informed and unprepared to handle sudden wealth passed down by their parents.
“Instead of preparing money for people, which is what most people do, I think we should prepare people for money…which is something rarely talked about in the industry.”
The Heritance App is available for all consumers, regardless of financial background. Through the app, users can connect with their family, allowing them to pass down wealth and assets, memories, stories and values. The Heritance team also have plans to take this beyond the local space, and impact lives around the region.
Experience at with DM@360
Derek and Persis share that their experiences with DM@360 are both inspiring and insightful. For Derek, he has always seen his work with Lighthouse legacy and Heritance as missional, but “seeing the younger co-workers in the Lord’s harvest field in DM@360, there’s so much I can learn from them… maybe even collaborate with them.” Likewise for Persis, she shares that it is inspiring to see other budding start-ups, where they can all learn from one another.
Advice for budding Christian Entrepreneurs:
Advice for young Christians who are directed to change paths:
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