Interview with DM Partner - Elaine Zhou (CNEW)

Meet Elaine, the founder and CEO of CNEW, a training consultancy that empowers business leaders and entrepreneurs in Singapore and China.

Before CNEW’s beginning, Elaine had two other unsuccessful start-ups. She soon decided to undergo training in the US, which allowed her to see personal development and transformation within herself.

However, the challenges didn’t stop there as Elaine shares about the rocky start of CNEW. Elaine had to live on spending at most SGD 2.50 a day for six months and there were times that she couldn’t afford to pay her bills. With these challenges presented, Elaine admits that there were many times she wanted to give up.

But whenever I look back, I am grateful for the hardship.

On one particular day, she wanted to give up and cried out to the Lord. Taking some time off for herself, she asked “what would you be doing if there was no hardship now?'” but her passion and heart was still inclined towards teaching and mentoring others. Thus, despite the difficulties, she was willing to push through and miraculously, she received a client the next day.

Today, Elaine has been running CNEW for 7 years and has trained over half a million leaders. “The true heartfelt moment is seeing the transformation in these women.

Entrepreneurship is a calling. Not everyone can give up, sacrifice and jump into the ocean.”

Experience with DM@360

Elaine was first introduced to DM during its launch. She had started a business in China, but she was the only Christian. She prayed numerous times that God would allow her to be surrounded by other Christian business leaders, and thus DM@360 was an answered prayer.

Elaine shares that she admires SC’s dedication and passion for digital missions. At the same time, Elaine was inspired and in awe of other DM Partners. “It’s a family. close-connected. And when you talk to the different members, you get new ideas, new connections and friendships.

Advice for other Christian Entrepreneurs

  1. Understand the pain. It’s not all about the glamour or making money. In fact, it’s a tough job.”
  2. The real motivation and purpose comes from a calling from God. “Take the call from the Lord.”
  3. Desire to be surrounded by a Christian community. “You never know who you will find.”

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30 May Event