Interview with DM Partner - Samuel Goh (EmSociety)

EmSociety began with a dream. Samuel, one of the co-founders of EmSociety, dreamt of this new venture, woke up and decided to turn that dream into a reality.

The name EmSociety is a combination of “Empowering” and “Society” which is the goal of the brand. Financial literacy today is mostly available for those with higher income due to its high costs, and this is where Samuel wants to make a change. The team believes in making financial literacy available for everyone.

EmSociety first launched before the first Circuit Breaker, making it one of the most memorable experiences for Samuel. Despite the restrictions that took place, they could reach out to families since it was an opportune time to learn about financial opportunities.

In the next few years, EmSociety plans to build more on its content and reputation. They are also partnering with different stakeholders. Samuel also shares that if there was one thing they could change, he would have invested more in digital marketing.

Experience with DM@360

He was invited to DM by a friend and has since connected with different DM Partners. “Starting something is not easy…Having a community, there’s always a support network“.

Samuel and his team have also utilised the amenities to host classes and attended events, where they heard what other missional start-ups were doing.

Advice for budding entrepreneurs:

  1. Keep praying for the direction and listen
  2. No matter what problems, there will be a solution.

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30 May Event